hello from Wyoming USA

Письмо от: Nelli Gas 77[скрыто]mail.ru  
hello from Wyoming USAhello from Wyoming USA
Dear Andrei!
Excuse me I am writing in English. I am in the USA now and I do not have keyboard with Russian letters.
I like your program very much and I watch it in America by Internet. I help my daughter to raise four kids- my grandchildren:
8, 7, 2 and one month old. Three boys and one girl.
I want to offer to organize the issue of "Pust Govoriat" devoted to the people who are working with this program.
There are many of them , but I think you will know how to do it. It will be interesting for the fans of the program.
Your team does a great job and as for me I do want to know these kind and wonderful people. Your program is done with love and it means that
you have warmhearted people who do it.
Nelli Gasparian- Wyoming USA
Russia- Orel city
I send you my pic. with the grandchildren.
Nelli Gas

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