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Письмо от: suzi[скрыто]gmail.com  
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Search for information about my biological parents.
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Susana cheragyan, I'm 23 years old, I talk very well on Russian but I'm not writing so well. The story I'm about to tell you is pretty complicated and It's about me. I live in Israel for the past 19 years.my mother, grandfather and me immigrated to Israel in 1997,in Israel I graduated from school, served 2 years in the army with Excellence diploma and even got injured and now I'm "disabled IDF veteran". This days I'm finishing my first degree and engaged to a nice caring man.
We immigrated to Israel after 4 years in Armenia and Russia. In Armenia we were living in Yerevan and in Russia we were living in "alexandrovka".
In the middle of 1993, When I was 8 month old I was left in the "Nork Marsh" Orphanage or the "corn house" hotel (I'm not sure) by my Biological mother, afterword's the Orphanage transferred me to the children's hospital because I was sick( apparently I had "salmonella"). At that point a couple, who are today my parents, started the adoption proses and eventually adopted me.
They came to the CIVIL ACTS REGISTRATION OFFICE (Zaks), on March 1994 and got new documents for me, the "zaks" gave them new documents without any questions, after they took me from the hospital on November 1993 with no documents.
My adopting father died from a heart attack when I was 4 years old, my mom is getting older (she's adopted me when she were 40 years old), after knowing about the adoption for 11 years (mom told me when I was 12), and before I'm getting married and have my own children, I think It's time to now my past.
About 6 month me and my om talked to my doctor, how treated me when I was 8 months old, he told us that my biological mother was Russian, she was a "working girl", she was from the area of the black sea (maybe "sochi") and that she came looking for me twice, a month later and a couple of years later.
Because all of that, there must be a clue or document in one of the three institutes: "zaks", Orphanage or hospital, because they gave here information about me, maybe she wrote "otkaznuyu". I don’t even have a name, but I know for sure my biological father were Armenian because I look like oneJ.
I would be grateful if you could help me some way because I don’t even know where to start looking and I know you and your show have the resources for this kind of tings.
Writing to the show "zdi menya" were useless.

References: my birth certificate I got on 1994(the new, post-adoption, one).


Orphanage "nork marsh", Yerevan.
Director: liana karapetyan.
Phones: 374-10651291 / 347-10651362

Main doctor of the children's hospital in Yerevan
Ara asoyan
E-mail: norkinf@gmail.ru
(He refused to talk to us on the phone).
My caring doctor (how talked to us):
Yuri torkomovich
Phones: 09-3414312 / 09-1492852.
My email address: suziec45@gmail.com.
(You can write to me on Russian, I know how to readJ)
My cellphone number: 054-9911349.
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Yours faithfully,Susana cheragyan.

(орфография письма сохранена)

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